Technique of NLP: there are techniques of NLP that use certain resources of state change, sometimes to interrupt a thought process and move on to something else in therapy sessions with NLP, the patient becomes a question taken out of context to make it change State for example asking him at the end of a part of therapy, that color is your pet or your tie even though it doesn't have one of the two the idea It is disrupting a pattern of thinking, so that the person can pass to another totally different State. Disrupting any pattern of thinking can apply it for example, when we have a thought or recurring sense that tumbles us on the head and no one wants to go in what situations you can apply this technique: perhaps you had an argument or altercation that happened a few hours ago and still mulling over the matter in your head images will appear, there is still the feeling of anger or impotence returning to experience it internally, breathe more hectic your body posture change listeners in your head the dialogues also you reprochas you have or not have said this or that thing etc. Under most conditions Tai chi would agree. Reexperimentar these States, not leaves us free have an effect on health and good quality of life, since body took note of this, it is affecting and deteriorating especially if this happens often. Want to know how to change status and eliminate annoying mental States? find out something more of NLP and how to use it to improve your life? Visit our web site and you will get two free E-Books, with two powerful NLP techniques: technique of the anchor and the technique I described in this article, to disrupt and eliminate annoying mental States. Click here :> > original author and source of the article.
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