Certain day, we were in a wheel of friends, and in way all that relaxed colloquy had made the following question: ' ' if a woman to engravidar, it has right to receive some aid during the gestation? Exactly that these are only boyfriends, that is, they do not live together? ' '. Immediately, I spoke of the food law, that it determined that it must have the evidence of the bond of kinship, or the obligation of feeding, then the mother would not have right to no aid of the conception to the childbirth. Continuing the colloquy, it asked to me: ' ' this is not unjust, a time that exists diverse expenses in this period? ' '. This last question made, to remember me the law that disciplined gravdicos foods, Law 11,804/2008, that it was a great legislative evolution in our country. It determines that the woman has right to receive aid from the future father, this aid must serve to defray the expenditures that to come to occur since the conception to the childbirth, such as, with special feeding, medical and psychological assistance, internments, amongst others. Differently of the law that regulates foods, of gravdicos foods it prescribes that it does not have necessity of to be certain the paternity, is enough that the judge verifies paternity indications so that he determines that the future father to the payment of foods. As soon as the child to come to be born with life, the gravdicos foods will be converted into alimony. Concluding, the pregnant women must yes receive aid from the future father, but for this they must look to its reliable lawyer or the public defensoria to make the petition to the judge.
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