3.7RETORNO OF BENEFITS FOR the STUDIED POPULATION the present study will be to the disposal of the professionals of the area, as well as of all the population so that it can better be understood. Moreover, it will allow that better the root causes of its occurrence are understood, the main taken procedures, being able to serve exactly as prevention element. 3.8CRITRIOS TO SUSPEND the COLLECTION OF DATA In view of the nature of the research, will only be suspended the collection of data in case that they have impediments on the part of the Hospital of the West.
The research will be submitted, in accordance with the made use one in Resolution 196/96 of the Health department of Brazil submitting, to the analysis and judgment of Committee of Ethics in Research with Human beings of the College San Francisco de Barrier, recognized for the National Advice of Research with Seres Humanos (CONEP), of form that will be presented by means of the sending and of letter of guiding to the presidency together with standardized Leaf of Face for the SISNEP. The present study also it will be directed for the assent of the Committee of Ethics in Pesquisa (CEP) of the Hospital of the West. They will be guaranteed the professionals of this Hospital, the secrecy of the information, without penalty some and damage to its professional activities. 3.10RESULTADOS WAITED the present research waits to reach as resulted concerning the occurrence of TCE in patient victims of interned automobile traffic accidents in a hospital of average transport of the west of the Bahia, with the purpose of better understanding the phenomenon and if indicating possible solutions and improvements the same attendance or in the prevention of accidents.
The research will be submitted, in accordance with the made use one in Resolution 196/96 of the Health department of Brazil submitting, to the analysis and judgment of Committee of Ethics in Research with Human beings of the College San Francisco de Barrier, recognized for the National Advice of Research with Seres Humanos (CONEP), of form that will be presented by means of the sending and of letter of guiding to the presidency together with standardized Leaf of Face for the SISNEP. The present study also it will be directed for the assent of the Committee of Ethics in Pesquisa (CEP) of the Hospital of the West. They will be guaranteed the professionals of this Hospital, the secrecy of the information, without penalty some and damage to its professional activities. 3.10RESULTADOS WAITED the present research waits to reach as resulted concerning the occurrence of TCE in patient victims of interned automobile traffic accidents in a hospital of average transport of the west of the Bahia, with the purpose of better understanding the phenomenon and if indicating possible solutions and improvements the same attendance or in the prevention of accidents.
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